• The June 2011 issue (# 100) of RoF has been reviewed on sffworld.com.
  • I tied those sisal ropes of different sizes kind of linking those bars to make that more amusing to Riamfada.
  • Ездили на выходных в Ашан (что-то я туда зачастила :) - и я опять застряла в книжном отделе :)) Увидев...
  • Вчера РТР устроила показ Властелина Колец, и я неожиданно обнаружил в фильме этом факт, которым спешу поделиться - среди актеров НЕТ НИ ОДНОГО негра!
  • ( So being the scrappy little bugger that I am, I went digging around Twitter for some info and I found a few interviews linked on Paolini's page.
  • Patrick of Pat's Fantasy Hotlist website and Rob Bedford of SFFWorld.Com teamed up to interview me about my latest book, A World Too Near.
  • Yes those count, although I can't find a contact page for gameofthronessite.com/.
  • (Link). Yeah, the show is kind of stuck with keeping the main character in the same situation for the whole series, which kind of hurts the overall plot...
  • And now back to your regularly scheduled vanity crisis.