• and read all of the documents on there, including Getting Started in Writing, which has many links to useful information.
  • I went to AgentQuery.com and made a list of all agents who represented YA fantasy, then started researching them.
  • http://www.agentquery.com/default.aspx. 3. The favorite color of literary agency website backgrounds is red.
  • In other news, AgentQuery.com just got even better, and when I didn't think it was possible either.
  • I like linking my novels like that, all in one world, people touching just enough to make ripples in each other's lives.
  • I used the book to query agents, checking the website www.agentquery.com for possibilities.
  • You can also learn a lot from online boards like Verla Kay's, AgentQuery.com, and Publishers' Marketplace.
  • Друзья! У меня и моей любимой биостанции есть одно непростое дело, которое нам надо сделать, но мы сами не можем. Я думаю, вы помните наш Атлас беломорских...