• I find something terribly wrong about not having a discussion post about our ichiruki-laden chapter! http://mangastream.com/read/bleach/79125793/1.
  • Cover - http://img.mangastream.com/cdn/manga/49/2487/001.jpg. One Piece (Lead CP) Ansatsu Kyoushitsu Shokugeki no Souma Hinomaru Zumou (Center Color) Yoakemono...
  • (Spoilers for Ch. 264 if you haven't read it.) http://mangastream.com/read/fairy_tail/25149423/15. WHY, GERARD.
  • and here it is folks! the newest chap. mangastream.com/read/naruto/489-94/1 personally im getting kinda excited with the war about to happen. lol@ karin and her life story...
  • SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER http://mangastream.com/read/d_gray_man/23704364/16 http://mangastream.com/read/d_gray_man/23704364/17 See! He was fine.
  • mangastream.com/read/katekyo_hitman_reborn/9176... Ученик опять почти плачет, а он хитро улыбается.
  • Well, if chapter 579 wasn't a surprise enough, Oda brings us a new cover featuring not Luffy, Vivi or the other Strawhats... but COBY, HELMEPPO AND TASHIGI 3333...