• Comic-Con Masterpost Aaron wasn't in attendance because he was in London filming Chat Room. But feel free to post anything you can find related to the Kick Ass panel anyways.
  • Ang buhay nga naman parang dramas/movies...patatawanin ka ng pagkadami dami sa umpisa tapos sa bandang huli paiiyakin ka naman nang pagkalupet lupet, yung tipong...
  • Photobucket. Trailer: http://www.beyondhollywood.com/oh-what-a-tangled-animated-teaser-trailer-we-weave/.
  • Cillian: Kirsten Myburgh http://www.letintinmovie.com/wp-content/uploads/image/Kirsten%20Myburgh.jpg http...
  • If this type of authorization does not work for you, convert your account using the link.
  • Dynamite Warrior / Khon Fai Bin (2006) (на российских киносайтах этот фильм почему-то называют...
  • (I kid you not on that last one.)" (from a review at beyondhollywood.com). ... Image hosted by Photobucket.com Ichi the Killer (Japan).
  • Finally, here's a link to the new trailer for "Clash Of The Titans" over at Apple Trailers.
  • можно почитать / посмотреть тут . например, новый фильм c Донни Йеном (это тот, который с копьём в...