• Quillpad is a free tool for typing in Indian languages.You write in your language using English alphabet,Quillpad intelligently converts it into native script.
  • Предлагаем вам много интересных ссылок, где вы можете потренироваться в упражнениях, изучая язык хинди самостоятельно. Почти все они ориентированы на начальный уровень, даются с английскими комментариями и транслитерацией.
  • Hey thanks for that nice link.It helped me get some forms filled faster,and you know what it can do searches in malayalam also.Anyways nice info,thanks.
  • i just mentioned my original connection to my beloved rain lamps, growing up. i'd forgotten about the bottles. my mum had a small collection of i think 3 stretched bottles...one pepsi, one coke, and one 7up. they had their own little spot for eons in our family rooms...