• The Medical Schools Council is the representative body for UK medical schools.
  • Bookings are now open for our September Open Day, to be held on Friday 9th September. To book your place, please go to this link: https...
  • ...sheets and videos providing advice for applicants: https://medschools.ac.uk/studying-medicine/applications/resources-for-students-and-teachers…
  • Here's a link to the Medical Schools Council’s (MSC) Interviews page.
  • Here are some useful links to read beforehand: https://gmc-uk.org/news/news-archive/coronavirus-information-and-advice/information-for-medical-students… https...
  • Link here https://aims.guide/my-experience-of-a-student-selected-component-ssc/… #aimsguide Access Into #Medicalschool: Guide #MedTwitter.