• Песнь Двадцать Вторая Э ма хо! И снова, мои возлюбленные сыновья и дочери, слушайте песнь бродяги! Вайрочана не где-то снаружи, он существует внутри.
  • Этот тезис о современном сочетании японской флейты сякухати с западной музыкой в формирующемся корпусе кросс-культурной композиции. Исследование..
  • Vient de la sagesse Just the wisdom http://www.abuddhistlibrary.com/Buddhism/J%20-%20Navigation%20Pages%20and%20A%20List%20of%20Books/Navigation...
  • Their ignorance will keep them here.” Read the rest: http://www.abuddhistlibrary.com/Buddhism/H%20-%20World%20Religions%20and...
  • It is essential to transfer consciousness through the crown to enter higher states. https://abuddhistlibrary.com/Buddhism/A%20-%20Tibetan...
  • I came across this link on Pratyahara and thought you might enjoy reading it.
  • It is my understanding that the invite links are temporary so the best way would be for you to register on Discord, then let me know your ID and I…
  • ...difficulties, emotions, emptiness, enlightment, feminism, first noble truth, four noble truths, gelug, health, india, intro to buddhism, japan, kagyu, karma, linked media, mahayana...
  • (Though the link does a really great job of it, so really, you can just go read it.)