• aa419 report: woolworthonlines.com. Domain woolworthonlines.com Woolworths is used for a Non-delivery scam, Spoof, mengbaofor@fasifun.com.
  • #FakerMaker https://db.aa419.org/fakebankslist.php?cmd=ADV&x_Project=asyouwishdarling…
  • 419legal was established as a forum in 2004 to enhance public awareness about 419 email scams.
  • Ignoring the obviously not from TV licensing email address, hovering over the link gave the real URL you'd be sent to if you clicked it.
  • Host reported 419 #CourierScam on it's 3rd host, now a GMail #phish.
  • @MsftSecIntel tracked a credential #phishing campaign that can even fool users trained to hover on links & check for malicious artifacts in emails.